Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First music video

Jeff is very excited about making his very first music video creation! He clipped together a bunch of his skijoring footage and put it carefully to a sled dog song (don't worry; it's just 3 minutes).

Just for fun:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

AKC outdoor trial

Mendel and Jeff had their second agility trial of 2007 on a windy and frigid September day. We wished we had brought hats and gloves, if not coats. There were 3 AKC events.

In the first event, Mendel made a disqualifying error in a jump, but thank goodness, he did not leave his tasks or jump on people.

In the second event, Jeff made at least 2 disqualifying errors, but Mendel followed all instructions well. Mendel earned the hearts of the crowd, when he conquered an unexpected equipment failure, and continued on. The "Table" (a 24-inch high platform) was not properly staked into the ground. Mendel took his jump onto it enthusiastically, and this upset the whole contraption, which tipped halfway over, to about a 45-degree angle. Somehow, he managed to stay on it, upright the table and do a beautiful sit, while onlookers cheered.

In the third event, both Jeff AND Mendel did well and qualified for first place in the game, "Fast". It does not mean anything to get first place, as he was the only dog in his height category and experience level, but still, it was a clean run. They got a ribbon, and Mendel earned a toy.

Now there are no more events until next year, but at least Jeff and Mendel got a taste of the trial experience.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

First agility trial!

Jeff and Mendel entered 4 Novice-level NADAC runs, or games yesterday. The first two were disasters, with Mendel leaving his course 4 times, to visit bystanders and jump on all four of the judges. The second run was the worst, because instead of doing the final jump, be jumped into the judge's lap, and did not finish the course! Mendel also had trouble with his weave poles. Jeff was really ready to give up.

In the third event, Mendel stayed on course, but he knocked a bar down, so he was disqualified. Actually, they got a 4th place ribbon for it, but that doesn't count. Still, Mendel's weave poles were good.

By the fourth event, Mendel was finally calm enough to concentrate. It was Novice Jumpers, and they got first place in Mendel's height class (20 plus inches). I completely forgot to turn on the video recorder for that one, though.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Canine Academy

Mendel canine academy [agility]

Monday, March 5, 2007

Remembering Moja

Eleven year old Moja died suddenly last week. We knew he was slowing down but stoic Moja never let on how sick he was. Sonia wrote this nice memory of Moja that captures his loyal, steadfast personality.

I know why I miss Moja so much. He was a 24 hour dog.
Mendel is a 12 hour dog. He is smart, talented and cuddly
but steals our food, devours our slippers and barks demands.
I look forward to the time he relaxes into his crate for the night.
Moja was appreciated at all times of day and night
patient, though eager to eat, when I awoke late
grateful to play fetch any time I had a spare 10 minutes
polite in greeting us at the door
easily entertained by vegetable chopping, scraps flying into mouth
tolerant when 3 consecutive muddy, rainy days meant no outdoor adventure
calm when thunderstorms made me jump
comforting when sleep would not come at night.

There's no longer a need to leave the bedroom door ajar
but perhaps I will.