Sunday, September 9, 2007

First agility trial!

Jeff and Mendel entered 4 Novice-level NADAC runs, or games yesterday. The first two were disasters, with Mendel leaving his course 4 times, to visit bystanders and jump on all four of the judges. The second run was the worst, because instead of doing the final jump, be jumped into the judge's lap, and did not finish the course! Mendel also had trouble with his weave poles. Jeff was really ready to give up.

In the third event, Mendel stayed on course, but he knocked a bar down, so he was disqualified. Actually, they got a 4th place ribbon for it, but that doesn't count. Still, Mendel's weave poles were good.

By the fourth event, Mendel was finally calm enough to concentrate. It was Novice Jumpers, and they got first place in Mendel's height class (20 plus inches). I completely forgot to turn on the video recorder for that one, though.

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